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Join AI SafeGuard


  • Honorary Member. The title of Honorary Member may be conferred by the AI SafeGuard Board of Directors on those individuals, not members of AI SafeGuard, who have rendered significant service to humanity in AI SafeGuard’s designated fields of interest. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the AI SafeGuard. Board of Directors present at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, shall be required for conferment at a regularly constituted meeting.
  • Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the profession and shall be conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the AI SafeGuard fields of interest. The accomplishments that are being honored shall have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of AI safety and security, bringing the realization of significant value to society. The nominee shall hold Senior Member grade at the time the nomination is submitted and shall have been a member in good standing in any grade for a period of five years or more preceding 1 January of the year of elevation. The year of elevation to the grade of Fellow is the year following approval by the Board of Directors conferring the grade of Fellow. Members elevated to the Fellow grade may use the title immediately following approval by the Board of Directors. All those elevated will receive a certificate and pin.
  • Senior Member. The grade of Senior Member is the highest for which application may be made and shall require experience reflecting professional maturity. For admission or transfer to the grade of Senior Member, a candidate shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technical executive, or originator in AI SafeGuard-designated fields. The candidate shall have been in professional practice for at least ten years and shall have shown significant performance over a period of at least five of those years, such performance including one or more of the following:
    • a) Substantial responsibility or achievement in one or more of AI SafeGuard-designated fields; or
    • b) Publication of papers, books, or inventions in one or more of AI SafeGuard-designated fields; or
    • c) Technical direction or management of important work with evidence of accomplishment in one or more of AI SafeGuard-designated fields; or
    • d) Recognized contributions to the welfare of the professions encompassed by one or more of he AI SafeGuard-designated fields; or
    • e) Development or furtherance of important courses in one or more of the AI SafeGuard-designated fields at an accredited institution; or
    • f) Contributions equivalent to those of (a) to (e) in areas related to AI SafeGuard-designated fields, provided these contributions serve to advance progress substantially in AI SafeGuard-designated fields.
  • Member. The grade of Member is limited to those who have satisfied AI SafeGuard-specified educational requirements and/or who have demonstrated professional competence in AI SafeGuard-designated fields ofbinterest. For admission or transfer to the grade of Member, a candidate shall be either: An individual who shall have received a three-to-five year university-level or higher degree (i) from an accredited institution or program and (ii) in an AI SafeGuard-designated field
    • b) An individual who shall have received a three-to-five year university-level or higher degree from an accredited institution or program and who has at least three years of professional work experience engaged in teaching, creating, developing, practicing or managing in AI SafeGuard-designated fields; or
    • c) An individual who, through at least six years of professional work experience, has demonstrated competence in teaching, creating, developing, practicing or managing within AI SafeGuard-designated fields.
  • Associate Member. The grade of Associate Member is designed for technical and non-technical applicants who do not meet the qualifications for Member grade, but who would benefit through membership and participation in AI SafeGuard, and for those who are progressing, through continuing education and work experience, towards the qualifications for Member grade.
  • Graduate Student Member. a) A Graduate Student Member must qualify for Member grade and carry at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program as a registered graduate student in a regular course of study in AI SafeGuard-designated fields. The total cumulative period for a member to hold the Student Member grade and/or the Graduate Student Member grade shall be limited to 8 years. b) Graduate Student Members, upon graduation or upon reaching the total cumulative 8-year limit as a Student Member and/or Graduate Student Member (whichever occurs first), shall be transferred to Member grade.
  • Student Member. a) A Student Member must satisfy the following conditions (1) carry at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program as a registered undergraduate or graduate student in a regular course of study in AI SafeGuard-designated fields; and (2) not yet qualify for Member grade. The total cumulative period for a member to hold the Student Member grade and/or the Graduate Student Member grade shall be limited to 8 years. b) Student Members, upon graduation or upon reaching the 8-year limit (whichever occurs first), with at least a baccalaureate or higher degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited institution in an AI SafeGuard-designated field shall be transferred to Member grade. c) Student Members other than those qualifying under subparagraph (b), upon graduation or upon reaching the 8-year limit (whichever occurs first) shall be transferred to Associate Member grade.

Member Obligations and Standing.

1) Membership in AI SafeGuard in any grade shall carry the obligation to:

a) Abide by the AI SafeGuard Constitution, Code of Ethics, Bylaws and Policies;

b) Support the enhancement of AI SafeGuard principles, objectives and activities; and

c) Meet the monetary obligations required for membership such as the payment of dues and applicable assessments. In addition, Life Members shall be obligated to confirm

annually the desire to continue to receive services and publication(s) to which they are entitled.

2) Member In Good Standing.

a) When applied to an AI SafeGuard member, the term member in good standing shall mean an AI SafeGuard member of any grade who is not under suspension.

b) When applied to a member of another technical or scientific society, the term member in good standing shall adopt the meaning of the term as it is used by that specific society.

Suspended Member Privileges. Members under AI SafeGuard suspension shall be regarded as members not in good standing and, for the period of their suspension, denied member privileges with the exception of member insurance benefits.